27,00 EUR
Orgonita shaped pendant consisting of 2.5 cm diameter semicircle wedged into a heavy duty base of polymer clay modeled hand and approximately 4 cm in diameter, a base with an antique touch and with a small part in swarovski set on top, this time in Orange tone by combining with its parent.
The workpiece is fastened with 3 mm thick brown leather cord and 91 cm long to carry long ideal for wearing loose clothes of Ibiza style underbust.
It has feathers by way of decoration in the same tones as the predominant color of the orgon.
Composed by:
Cowrie shell * at its top center
Baltic amber *
Ends of copper
Leaf copper stitching with iridescence in copper tones.
All this is encapsulated in resin of high transparency that gives the part strength and durability. The pieces will remain inalterable in time.
Polymer clay is ideal for these parts and is waterproofed and resistant, however I recommend you look after it with care like the rest of your jewelry, avoiding heavy blows and submerge it under water course.
* Meaning:
Born in the ocean, the shells are associated mainly with the element water and also with the Moon, which moves the tides. Both elements have powerful female energies.
These shells tend to be used in magic to attract what you want in life.
With regard to its symbolic meaning continues teaming up with money and wealth and currently necklaces, bracelets, belts and other clothing are decorated with cowrie shells.
He is said to contain over one of these shells attracts prosperity and protect us, finally and after the shell is a primary element for the protection of the occupying creature, so that always has associated with them is with the protection of who carries them.
* Properties:
The properties of amber tell you that is fossilized resin and not a mineral as some believe, as it is organic and comes from fossilized resin, is common the golden yellow color, but there are also varieties of other colors.
In ancient times was used as the object of adornment and worship. As an amulet has been used as a protector against bad luck and disease and used to be as pendant.
It is said that it attracts good luck and positive energy, protects against envy and the evil eye and spells by absorbing the negative energies.
Be attributed to a variety of beneficial powers: protect health, to chase away evil spirits. It is one of the rocks attributed to the Sun and is considered as a semiprecious stone amber.
It is a famous amulet in the Nordic countries to prevent nightmares and nocturnal fears.
It helps us to find peace and calm to address issues that concern us, providing confidence in our capabilities to overcome any obstacle that appears on our way.
I leave you with this optimistic message and remember that everything passes and experiences to enrich us and make us stronger.
* With regard to this orgonita, the orange color:
* Orange combines the energy of red with the happiness of yellow. He is associated to the joy, the sunshine and tropical.
* Represents enthusiasm, happiness, attraction, creativity, determination, success, encouragement and stimulation.
* It is a very hot color, so it produces feeling of warmth. However, the Orange is not an aggressive color such as red.
The Orange vision produces the feeling of greater intake of oxygen to the brain, producing an effect invigorating and stimulating mental activity.
* It is a color that fits very well with the young people, so it is highly recommended to communicate with them.
* Is the color of the fall of the leaf and harvest.
* In Heraldry the Orange represents the strength and resistance.
* The dark orange can suggest deception and distrust.
* The reddish orange evokes desire, sexual passion, pleasure, desire for action and aggression domain, * El dorado produces feeling of prestige. The Golden means wisdom, clarity of ideas, and wealth. Frequently the gold represents high quality.
What Is Orgone?
ORGONE is also known as prana, life force, ki, chi, mana, universal energy... etc.
Orgone creations are simply energy storehouses. The energy they store is spiritual energy, energy that nurtures your being, your soul. When your energy is low the recharging happens fast.
Dr. Wilhelm Reich, a gifted and visionary scientist that fled the Nazis to America, rediscovered a form of energy which he called 'Orgone'. Reich described ‘orgone’ being universally present and can be demonstrated visually, thermically, electroscopically (a device he invented to see orgone).
Reich discovered that when non organic (metal) and organic material (wood or cotton usually) are mixed together in layers it would act as a magnet to this energy. So he developed big boxes of these mixtures of non organic (metal sheet) and –organic layers (wood) where he placed his patients inside where they would receive high amount of this orgone (life force) in their bodies. Reich patients were cured of different illnesses including high advanced stages of cancer. That created a conflict with the medical establishment. Reich was sent to prison where he died.
Reich Orgone discovery was passed along and today Reich’s orgone work is rediscovered as great healing tool helping the body and subtle bodies become (w)hole, a state of harmony. Orgone is known as orgone devices or generators or orgonite. This is just a simple combination of metal particles and resin that create the orgone matrix.
Benefits Of Orgone
People noticed health improving, plants growing healthier, animals and people being magnetized by those universal force energies, negative energy transmuted into good vibes, prosperity increased, spiritual and psychic channels being opened, a general state of well being and peace, happiness and joy. After all
Orgone is the universal life force (prana, chi. Ki) which is found freely in the nature where it hasn't been energetically corrupted or polluted.
Orgone also neutralises the harmful affects of EMF radiation all around us from electrical devices. These positive ions in the air are bad for our health. The job of orgone is to neutralise these positive ions and turn them into negative ions. These negative ions are prolific in nature and have a harmonising influence on our nervous system, moods, stress and overall health.
What Is EMF And How Does It Affect You?
EMF stands for electromagnetic field. Everything God created has its own electromagnetic field. Additionally, everything man makes has an electromagnetic field (i.e., electronic technology). It is a measurable type of energy, and for the human body the EMF frequencies truly are the life of our cells.
Electromagnetic radiation is the energy projected from the EMF's. Just as there are good fats and bad fats for our body and good sugars and bad sugars for our body, so there are good/safe EMF’s and bad/harmful EMF’s for our body.
Why are some EMF’s harmful to our bodies? God designed the human body with very specific EMF frequencies. Healthy tissue has these strong God-given frequencies. Unhealthy or diseased tissue has weak or altered (different) frequencies.
Our healthy EMF frequencies become weak or altered for various reasons, but most commonly by too much exposure to other EMF frequencies which are out of the realm of our healthy body frequencies.
This can happen over a period of years with low to moderate levels of electromagnetic radiation or it can happen immediately with a rare strong exposure. Once your healthy frequencies are altered, then comes health problems which move into various diseases such as cancer and fibromyalgia.
Associated EMF Health Problems
The following list represents diseases and health problems that are either a direct result of electromagnetic radiation poisoning or are closely associated with it. Keep in mind that all health issues will be affected to some degree by exposure to EMF radiation, whether electric, magnetic, wireless or ionizing radiation, since it weakens the immune system, stresses the body and damages healthy cells.
chronic fatigue
daily headaches
brain cancer
lyme disease
heart problems
chest pain
electrosensitivity (ES)/electromagnetic hypersensitivitiy (EHS)
multiple sclerosis (see Copper depletion by EMF)
high blood pressure
brain fog
digestive disorders
migraine headaches
brain tumors
leukemia – general
lymphoblastic leukemia
birth defects
rheumatoid arthritis
skin conditions – burning, rashes, pain
tinnitus and other audible noises
chronic pain
erratic pulse
weak immune system
Orgone energy devices will:
• Transform negative energy in to positive
• Re-vitalize the atmosphere
• Recharge, purify, structure and energize water and drinks
• Relieve insomnia, provide a quieter sleep and help avoid nightmares
• Boost your intuition
• Enhance productivity in your work
• Fortify creativity
• Balance – reconcile the energy within our body
• Enforce the recovery and healing process
• Better our mood and help us improve and develop our actions
• Protects us from other people’s negative energy and thoughts
• Promote plant growth
• Neutralize electromagnetic radiation and protect us
** Orgone and crystal energy should never replace medical treatment and advice. They should only be used as a compliment to care by a licensed physician or health care profesional.**
**This creation is individually hand-crafted and may have slight artistic imperfections.**
Welcome and Thank you